For 75% and 85%, it is an option to choose with or without cocoa nibs for your hot chocolate drink.
Cocoa nibs are crunchy to bite and will not melt in water.
Thus, people who love rough texture can consider to add cocoa nibs. For those that prefer smooth texture can choose without nibs.
The easiest and most convenient way is to add 200ml of hot water to 35g of Beans&Co chocolate powder. That is the best golden ratio for it.
Of course, you may adjust its thickness according to your own preference.
Yes, you can always serve your own chocolate drink with different methods as the way you like.
Here are some tips on how you can enjoy different kind of chocolate drinks!

Beans&CO chocolate powder can be used in baking and making desserts as well.
Do try on different baking recipes by replacing it with Beans&CO chocolate powder.
For your information, many of our customers have tried making their own ice cream by using Beans&CO chocolate powder and they said that was the best dark chocolate ice cream they have ever had!
For children, we will recommend 55% which is extra milky kind of dark chocolate.
It is slightly sweeter without having any taste of bitterness.
For dark chocolate lover, you can take 75% or 85% before going to 100% (non-sugar).
75% hot dark chocolate is our bestseller among all!Real and pure chocolate are used in making Beans&Co gourmet drinking chocolate.
Thus, a little bit of hot water and stirring is needed beforehand to melt the chocolate powder before adding cold water.
The oily layer is the cocoa butter which is naturally found in chocolate.
In Beans&Co, we use authentic chocolate to produce our signature gourmet drinking chocolate, instead of just using creamer and cocoa powder.You can taste and enjoy the most complete and perfect taste profile which consists of intense chocolate taste that is dominated by roasted cocoa notes and extra bitterness for an overwhelming taste sensation, and with a hint of fruity note.
Packages are generally dispatched within 2 working days after payment made.
We ship via express courier: Skynet / Easy Parcels / J&T express / Gdex / POSLAJU/ Ninja and etc.
Area | Estimated Delivery Time (Working Days) |
WEST MALAYSIA | 14 days (During MCO) |
EAST MALAYSIA | min.30 days (During MCO) |
No, we always source for natural ingredients for 55%, 75%, 85% and 100% hot dark chocolate, no preservatives, coloring or artificial flavouring is added in all 4 Beans&CO gourmet drinking chocolate series.
And NO CREAMER is used in all 4 flavours.
Yes, as long as it is airtight will do.
No anti caking agent is added to keep the chocolate powder as natural as possible.
Only 55% extra milk dark chocolate contains dairy, while for 75%, 85% and 100% are dairy free and vegan friendly.
We are not halal certified at this moment, but we are using all halal ingredients in the making.
Chocolate itself contains high percentage of monounsaturated fat which is also known as healthy fat.
It will help to boost our metabolism rate according to research.
Hence, drinking in moderation will not cause fattening.